Of all the successful re-entry programs I’ve worked with, including
the best practices I’ve researched researched across the country,
there is one thing they all have in common – coordination of services
across multiple partners. With the often complex needs of job seekers
who were previously incarcerated, there are very few organizations
that have the capacity to provide all of the needed services and
resources on their own. When organizations spread themselves too thin
and try to take on activities that are outside of their expertise, it
often dilutes the quality and type of service they are able to offer.
It makes sense to leverage the expertise and know how of others, so
your organization can focus on what it does best – whether that’s job
placement, housing, counseling services, or something else.
Assembling the appropriate team is going to be vital to your success
and the success of your participants. The types of partners you
pursue will be dependent on where you’re located and the relationships
you’ve already built. It will also be dependent on who you’re serving
(e.g. individuals released from prison, youth offenders, etc.), the
common issues these individuals have when released from prison/jail,
and a variety of other factors. Take the time to determine the gaps
in service and focus on those partners who can fill those needs.
Some of the potential partnerships worth exploring include:
* Corrections and law enforcement (e.g. prison/jail systems,
correctional facilities, probation/parole offices, local jail)
* Treatment services (e.g. substance dependence, mental health,
* Housing providers (e.g. public housing providers, transitional
housing, sober living facilities)
* Faith-based and community organizations (e.g. churches or other
providers serving target population)
* Legal assistance and education (e.g. child support, legal rights)
* Employment services (e.g. One-Stop Center, State Vocational
Rehabilitation Agencies)
* Local businesses.
Laying out a plan of how you’ll work together will be the first step
in establishing your relationship to avoid duplication of services and
ensure that all partners are on the “same page.” In my experience
working with organizations across the state, partnerships that succeed
are those that consider the needs, input and goals of other partners
when determining how they can successfully work together. One-sided
relationships make it very difficult for organizations to move
forward. Communication is also important. Regular meeting times
should be established between stakeholders and front line staff and
expectations should be communicated BEFORE you begin working together.
This can be easily done through the use of a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU), an agreement commonly used by One-Stop Centers
with their partners. The MOU it a tool that can be used to detail out
the expectations, service-related responsibilities, goals and
financial responsibilities (if any exist) that you both agree to. The
time you spend up front getting to know your partners and how you can
best work together will be well worth the effort spent.
My challenge to you over the next two weeks is to determine who is
missing from your service delivery team. Good luck! During our next
issue, we’ll discuss specific job placement strategies and
considerations for individuals who were previously incarcerated.
Lisa Jordan is a disability and workforce development expert. Lisa uses her keen ability to identify challenges and develop solutions so that workforce development professionals can increase their comfort level, productivity and effectiveness when working with a diverse clientele. Download Lisa’s Special Report on 5 Easy Disability Tips to Immediately Increase Agency Accessibility by visiting www.human-solutions.net
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